Child Cancer Foundation
Beanie and Neck Warmer
A collaboration between Otago Merino Association, Growers, Nikke and NZM.
A collaboration between Otago Merino Association, Growers, Nikke and NZM with all proceeds* going to the Child Cancer Foundation.
The beanies & neck warmers are made using the 2021/22 child cancer fleece. A special coming together to give back with the hope to inspire brave little warriors on their journey.
Purchase a beautiful ZQ merino beanie & neck warmer that are made using the 2021/22 child cancer fleece.
Thank you to all the growers who have supported this collaboration.
Order yours’s today for delivery in May 2024. Orders close Friday 24 November 2023.
Download the order form and send all completed orders to: Lesley Muir at Otago Merino Association by Friday 24 November 2023.
PO Box 1765 Queenstown
Unit 37 Gorge Road Retail Centre,
159 Gorge Road, Queenstown
P. 03 409 2222 F. 03 409 2244
*less production/administration and freight costs.